Sunday 26 February 2017

You learn something everyday!

Hi Room 18 families, apologies for the dely in updates. I was trying to store my photos of our work in what I thought was a great location....blogger disagreed..... so I am back to my old ways of storing things!

We have plenty to share with you but will do it slowly over the week so you can enjoy the photos.

This was taken WAY back in the early part of the term when we were just getting to know each other. This is a great way to work together and problem solve!

As you can see we got CREATIVE and had some wonderful ideas...we also did LOTS of laughing!


  1. Great Pictures Room 18! Also Looks Like A Great Team! P.s Miss You Ms. Kennedy As My Teacher 2016-2016

  2. Great Pictures Rm 18! Hope You All Have Fun This Yr With The Best Middle Teacher Ms. Kennedy! Miss You Ms. Kennedy As My Best Middle Teacher!!!!!

  3. I Can Spy That Learning This Year Is AWESOME!
